Saturday, March 28, 2009

Anime- Inspired Recipe: Sakura’s Sushi Rice (Fate/Stay Night)

Rice is one of the main ingredients used in making sushi. Here's an easy recipe to make sweet sushi rice for your sushi recipes.


· Cooked White Rice
· Japanese Rice Vinegar
· Cane Sugar

Cooking Instructions:

1. In a saucepan, heat about 1/4 cup of rice vinegar over medium fire. Add sugar to the rice vinegar while constantly stirring the mixture. Add sugar to taste. More sugar means a sweeter mixture. Heat for about 5 minutes or until the mixture’s color turns bright brown which means that the sugar has been mixed to the rice vinegar.
2. In a bowl, place the cooked white rice and let it cool. Mix the sweetened rice vinegar to the rice to the semi-cooled bowl of rice. Make sure to add the sweetened rice vinegar to the cooled white rice because mixing it to newly cooked hot white rice will evaporate the mixture.
3. Add the sweetened rice vinegar mixture to the rice gently by using a spatula. Gently, separate the gains of rice and make sure not to mix too hard to prevent the rice from becoming starchy.
4. Let the rice cool and add to your favorite sushi dishes.

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